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If you are in a similar situation where you have friends who only contacted you when she needs you for favour or help and a single card which I picked is Seven of Cups..

This card often suggests confusion, deception, and illusions. In the context of a relationship with such a friend, it can indicate that the friend is not what they seem, and their selfish behaviour is clouding your judgment.

You may be uncertain about how to handle the situation or have difficulty seeing the truth about your friend's intentions. The Seven of Cups can also suggest that you may have many options or choices in this relationship. It may be time to evaluate what you truly want and need from this friendship and make a decision accordingly.

You may need to let go of any illusions or fantasies you have about this friendship and face the reality of the situation.

Overall, this card is a reminder to stay grounded and focused on your own needs and priorities. Don't get lost in the confusion and illusions created by your friend's selfish behaviour, and don't sacrifice your own well-being for the sake of the relationship.


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